Training vs Exercising?

Many of you will have the goal to have an X frame, an athletic physique, or “toning” up, building muscle/loosing fat. However you phrase it, it all comes down to the same principals of following a progressive training program.

Exercising is typically thought to encompass any movement that makes you feel good, releases endorphins but doesn’t give you any real structure to your week to week. It is driven by motivation which comes and goes without delivering body recomposition results.

Training on the other hand looks towards the future you, a delayed gratification in knowing that the outcomes are coming. A training program stays the same week to week, is structured with the most taxing exercises first and allows for progressive overload throughout the program (which may be 4-8 weeks before adapting to your new strength and changing to a new progressed program).

You may not sweat, you may not be in the gym long, or a long time if you are power or weight lifting, but the outcomes come with time and they are always long living.


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