Coach Kim. Seasalt and fitness coaching
  • Using the seasalt and strength customised app to track your tailored training program, upload videos for form analysis, and streamline the check in/feedback process.

  • Weekly check ins involving Q&A + progress photo insight so I can give feedback and make any adjustments to your protocols as needed

  • Nutrition and mindset guidance and direction so you can save time and never question your own direction again

  • 24/7 messaging access to me via what’s app including video form feedback and any other support throughout the week

  • Access to all educational / Q&A zoom calls, facebook and what’s app group community pages


  1. Confidence within your training techniques

  2. Feeling stronger and empowered

  3. Feeling in control of the outcomes in your body and your individual goals

  4. Saving time through trial and error within your fitness goals

  5. Understanding how the body works and knowing how YOUR unique body responds to different training and nutritional protocols

  6. Thriving mentally without feeling any food restriction or guilt, free of any binges, free of fearing carbs / fats / calories , and free of countless hours of cardio

If any of these above sound like the ideal and thriving future YOU it’s time to watch the Intro video and fill out the enquiry form below!



Coach Kim. Seasalt and fitness Coaching

So excited to have you on board with me in your fitness journey!!!
My #1 goal is to grow and thrive with you and your journey

No AI generated like cookie cutter BS 😝

I hope to support, guide and make you feel like an athlete and boss in and out of the gym EVERY STEP OF THE WAY

I promise you if you give me everything I ask of you this is going to revolutionise and short cut the fitness and life gains you thought would never be possible!

Now I understand this may be a tad daunting and overwhelming to take in all at once, so bear with me while I give you the nitty gritty… (you will have all the opportunities for messages surrounding the fundamentals with me via what’s app)

  • Each week you will be required to submit your check in on Sunday/Monday (flexible between the two days). This will involve completing the following:

    Subjective and objective questions to measure progress

    Photos taken first thing in the morning after using the bathroom, with similar lighting and angle of your front, side and back images (see below example) - wearing similar sports bra and underwear each week

    (we want to keep these factors as consistent as possible)


I will then send you a message and/or loom video feedback within 48 hours. 

We will be able to touch base on any new implementations, what has been going well for you, and cover any topics that can help educate you through your fitness journey to develop the best mindset as you progress - Knowledge is power!